Company Health & Safety Rules
Element 5: Company Rules, of the current COR audit program is the subject of discussion. We are presenting the reader with our guidance regarding the requirements of effective company rules.
Health and safety rules are designed to warn or advise workers of expectations that must always be followed; behaviour to the contrary could lead to a serious injury or death. Some companies call them: Golden Rules, Cardinal Rules or Life Saving Rules. These rules are usually linked to a proportionate corrective action program and employees found not following them will be counseled, coached or retrained. Re-occurrence of inappropriate compliance could lead to termination.
The rules need to be simple, clear, and posted in a prominent location in the workplace. In addition, all employees need to be trained on what they mean, how they apply to workers, and the expectations for unwavering compliance with these rules at all times.
The current COR audit tool checks to confirm that an organization undergoing audit meets the implementation of its health and safety rules. Additionally, seasoned COR auditors look for the following key elements to determine if the company rules are properly established, implemented and functional:
Company health and safety rules are clearly and correctly documented.
Company rules are posted, or copies are readily available, upon employee request. Electronic issue is permissible as long as workers have reasonable access for reference as required.
Workers are properly trained on the rules and demonstrate that they clearly understand how to apply a specific rule to any workplace tasks they may be performing.
Company rules are applied and enforced consistently throughout the organization, at all times.
Encouragement for following the company rules is evident and demonstrated in the workplace via behaviours, attitudes, and statistics.
Violation consequence management is fair, firm, and consistently applied when required.
Does your organization have clear and concise health and safety rules that are easily understood by all workers? Are your rules reviewed periodically with workers; so that, they remain firmly entrenched in everyone’s mind? Do you regularly observe workplace activities to ensure that rules are followed?
Presented by Roger Belair and Jason Colucci - Approved COR Associate Auditors.